Excellence is our sole criteria for selection, although we are especially interested in fiction and poetry that take on big issues.

The best way for writers to get a feel for the types of literature that we publish is to read back issues.

We only read submissions from September through October and from January through March. Submissions sent during summer months will be returned unread. We only accept electronic submissions through our Submittable page.

A small gratuity is paid after publication.

Ends on $3.00

Excellence is our sole criteria for selection, although we are especially interested in fiction and poetry that take on big issues.

The best way for writers to get a feel for the types of literature that we publish is to read back issues.

We only read submissions from September through October and from January through March. Submissions sent during summer months will be returned unread. We will only consider electronic submissions made through our Submittable page.

A small gratuity is paid after publication.

Please send all subscription and editorial correspondence in care of the managing editor to:

Notre Dame Review
256 Decio Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Ends on $3.00

Excellence is our sole criteria for selection, although we are especially interested in fiction and poetry that take on big issues.

The best way for writers to get a feel for the types of literature that we publish is to read back issues.
We only read submissions from September through October and from January through March. Submissions sent during summer months will be returned unread. We will only consider electronic submissions made through our Submittable page.
A small gratuity is paid after publication.
Please send all subscription and editorial correspondence in care of the managing editor to:
Notre Dame Review
256 Decio Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

*NOTE: We ask past poetry contributors to wait at least two years from last publication in NDR before submitting new material for consideration. 

Notre Dame Review